Wednesday, October 20, 2010


MATH. all capitals, bold print. for some of us its easy for some of us it's hard and for some of us its a living hell. me personally I've never liked math but I'm gonna tell you now if your an English/art person then geometry is the math for you. I'm not going to say it's easy or that it's fun but, it's easy and fun. if you have a basic understanding of how things function visually and are willing to accept absolutes without over thinking them than its ridiculously easy to follow and if you like writing and art then the actual problems are fun to complete. the problems that I'm assigned involve writing paragraphs about how something is done and drawing an example to make it easier to follow. I think I'm in love with this class it's just brilliant. it's helped me with my drawing skills as well and as soon as I can get my scanner working (if I can get it working) I'll start to post my art work here. It's not like it's fantastic art or anything but I like to draw and I frequently will draw visual companions to my poetry or stories (which I also intend to post here) and it's nice if I can put everything in one place. so this went a little off topic the point is that  math doesn't suck. for any kids out there stuck in arithmetic or for highschool artists failing math because they never show up or don't pay attention I'm gonna let you know that if you focus for a bit and pull though it gets really fun!

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