Monday, November 8, 2010


yeah, hi. so I've decided to write a novel. I decided this along with about 50 billion other people on November first or well I didn't decide it then but I started it then. the phenomenon that bought about my undertaking this huge endeavor is known as nanowrimo. National Novel Writing Month. as you would guess by the title the point is not only to write a novel but to write a novel in and just wait for it a month. one month 50000 words. and thats allot of words. I mean ALLOT of words. so I'm actually here procrastinating working on my book (which is called An Altered State in case anyone was interested) because I should really be writing that right now. If anyone wants to read it (checks options) I will aparently not be attaching the file but instead posting a sample in this blog. Yay!

The water was pleasantly cool as she swam through it. Its deep blues relaxed her and she could feel the way it moved across her skin making her feel soft and smooth. She felt weightless and magical as she flipped and dived beneath the surface of the water. From up above the water looked mearly blue but from underneath the waves you can see all the colors of the rainbow reflected in the glittering liquid. It was filled with streaks or red sunrise and black velvet night. Shiver chased the last star to the horizon line and flowed over the edge with the water, down a great waterfall and into a pool at the bottom full of lost nights and pieces of the moon.
She sat on a warm rock on the top of a cliff watching the end of the sunset combing her long hair. The wind whistled and blew around mountains and bluffs taking leaves and autum colors with it. The reds, golds and browns of the fall were swept away with the wind to a far away land where they waited for another year to pass. When the color was blown away the bluffs lost there orangy hue and the sun rose on a black and white world coated in cold frost and fluffy white snow. The wind picked that up and dashed it agains rocks. it grew from a breeze in to a gale as it picked up more snow and ice to fling across the sky. Shiver still sat combing her hair, a perfect picture of color and warmth. The fall had never left her and yet the spring was in her eyes. Her rosy cheeks bright pink from the cold stood out in a land of black and white. Her glistening eyes and warm slow smile radiated heat in a freezing season.

I have decided to write this book because writing makes me happy. I think it makes allot of people happy and unlike  many things that make people happy like eating to much chocolate or spending all day watching tv Its also good for me. so I advise anyone reading this to (although I think its to late to join nannowrimo and youd be dreadfully behind anyway) to write as much as possible. just write anything that comes to mind. even if it sucks I guarantee that if you put aside your inner editor and pull out that little spark of writer you'll have a blast.

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